If I didn’t already adore the Internet, I certainly do now. This charming online book was informative and simultaneously enjoyable to read. It broke down all that is important about the Internet (or at least I think so). I was worried this class may be equivalent to a foreign language and that I wouldn’t understand anything, so I breathed a sigh of relief when I finished this mini-book. I now feel more confident using Internet jargon and I know how to make more informed and proper decisions while surfing the ‘Net.
I don’t want to regurgitate the information in the book, since I know everyone, including myself, has read it. Instead, I will share my favorite quotes, thoughts and commentary.
First, the book read like a promotion for the web. If I didn’t want to use the magical WWW before I read it, I definitely want to use it now! The writers used adjectives like “fabulously”, “meaningful”, “great”, etc. Their love for the web made me love the web even more. And unlike some people (like parents) who think the Internet is only full of evil, they think of the web as this beautiful tool to make your life easier: “The movement of many of our daily tasks online enables us to live more fully in the real world.” And that is very true. Now I can shop online and use the time I saved to see friends, eat crunchy tacos, or go skydiving. It has been a life changer since 1974.
Second, I enjoyed how they not only put the content in normal-English terms, but they made it fun!!! My favorite Thing was Thing 7 because they created a poem and then, understandably, apologized to Shakespeare. Also, as soon as they called browser extensions “superpowers”, I was sold. I immediately searched Chrome extensions. I now have Spotify, Amazon Wish List, and Microsoft Outlook. I couldn’t be happier!
And third. Although I already knew about browsers and web safety, there was a lot of information I didn’t know. This is an excellent stepping stone to begin this class. I’ve always wanted to learn more about coding, creating websites and CSS, and I’m on my way! Maybe my lifelong dream of becoming a hacker can come true…
10/10, would recommend to a friend!