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Category Archives: Coding Up a Web Design Concept
Coding.. Coding.. and more Coding
The article “Coding Up a Web Design Concept into HTML and CSS” covered all the pertinent information in a step by step, or as the article says slice by slice, on how to build a website. First it covers the … Continue reading
Coding Up a Web Design Concept into HTML & CSS
The first thing I noticed about this passage was- why the use of both jpeg and png files? Is there a reason to use both, or does it just not matter? Other than that, this article was particularly helpful in … Continue reading
Floatin’ and Codin’
Before you can float, you have to know your layout. A design is a way to organize content. What are we actually looking at? I learned that a good design makes that very clear. That has been my biggest take … Continue reading
The Step-by-Step Process
I like how this article gives the step-by-step process to create a web page from the beginning design in Photoshop to HTMl to CSS. The author explains every step they took in creating their web page in a conversational and … Continue reading
Coding Up
This article reiterated a lot of information that we have already learned in this class. It was rather lengthy and tedious. However it did provide more detailed information about concepts we have already discussed and even used in this class. … Continue reading
Coding Up
This article was very boring, but very detailed. The author did a really good job of showing every step in the process and showing not only the HTML at each step but also what the actual website would look like … Continue reading
Coding Up, Moving Up
It felt good to be able to follow this article and be able to relate to the process. We just turned in our first fully-functioning, fully-self-coded HTML and CSS product. We’re moving up in the world guys! With still lots to … Continue reading
Coding Up My Mind
This article was very informative and really helped me understand little things that still stood confusing for me. This article was less overwhelming and more comforting of a read because of the information that was being covered. A lot of … Continue reading
Coding Up a Web Design Concept Response
One of the most important things I learned from this article is the idea that you always have to have the CSS and final design in mind when you are writing your HTML. Of course, this seems obvious, but I … Continue reading
Coding a Web Design: Step by Step
As I have stated in many posts before, I am still learning how to write HTML and CSS. So all these articles from time to time can be a bit confusing. But it was nice for Chris Spooner in his … Continue reading