Your Thoughts on the Web, the Media and Your Future

The importance of technology for our generation is immense.  Currently, most companies are creating goals and strategies in order to keep up the lighting speed of technology- especially regarding smart devices like smartphones, ipads and tablets.  The design of these platforms will ultimately impact anyone working in PR, marketing, or any similar career because they all reach to the public- who are all over social media.  In order to make effective websites and apps, companies but be aware and up to date with the latest technology, because people always want the newest, hottest item.  I believe my capstone has really helped to gain a better understanding of this, and continuing to read daily comm. articles and keep myself updated on what is going on with the industry will continue to help.  I believe a successful career in communications comes with those who are most knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest news information.  This class has been helpful and applicable in many areas of comm., and it will continue to in my post-grad future.

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