Off topic

How the web was created has never really crossed my mind, it’s just always been there. It’s always evolved and I’ve always adapted. But reading about it, and how a bunch of people basically had to synchronize their way of thinking and working in order for the WWW to work WORLD WIDE, it’s pretty interesting.

A lot of sacrifice, compromise and blatant ignorance would have gone on to create these ‘standards’ we have for the web today. Kudos’ to those peoples patience because it sure as hell wouldn’t have gone down that way if the web was only created in 2013 (or maybe it would have because we wouldn’t have been as ignorant and demanding as we are today, maybe the web is the only reason for this attitude? hmmm..)

Back to the point (sort of) – 20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web. Pretty cool. Kind of like the Dummies books. Although most of it I already knew, from growing up in the digital generation, it made me wonder about our parents, and our parents parents.

Back home I see so many old people having their money and privacy stolen because they’ve willingly given out their bank details to what looks to them to be a trusted email from the Austrlian Tax Office or their bank. I think to myself “what IDIOTS!” But really, they don’t know any better because they didn’t grow up being immersed in this technology.

Updating your browser, adding plug-ins, sync devices, control browser settings to enable cookies from certain sites, downloading apps… My Grandma is chuffed to be able to login into hotmail to chat to me while I’m in the States, let alone do of all of these things.

As for the Zeldman chapter (I’m still unsure if he’s negative or realistic but blunt?), I think half of that went over my head. I clearly have a lot to learn theory wise in this course.

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