I can already tell that I’m going to like using HTML 5 on my future webpages because it appears to simplify everything I’ve struggled with in the past. It simplifies div and class tags and creates new, easy to use structural tags such as header, footer, nav, menu and content, which will make coding a webpage more straightforward than it’s been for me on past projects.
It’s also interesting that tags, such as header and footer, among others, can be used multiple times on a webpage, making it easier for those designing a website to move around their content around while also diversifying their designs. In other words, HTML 5 allows us to be more flexible in how we present our content and where it appears on our page.
Overall, I’m excited to learn how to use HTML 5 to improve the overall quality of my future designs, and especially look forward to learning how to use tags, such as the header tag, multiple times on my page.