First Thoughts about HTML 5

I enjoyed reading about HTML 5 and its differences from previous versions of HTML. Who would have thought that a simple number 5 would mean so much when referring to markup language?

What I really liked about HTML 5  is that it simplifies common div and class tags and breaks down the main parts of a website: header, footer, navigation, content, articles, etc. It overall has good semantics. It makes sense to use tags like <header> to markup the header section of your website. Because of the addition of the new tags, HTML 5 offers good structural options when coding a webpage.

I also thought it was interesting to see how tags like <header> and <footer> can appear multiple times on a webpage because footers can appear at the bottom of articles, blog posts and entire websites. Tags like these are flexible–they can be used for different pieces of content when it’s appropriate.

Overall, I’m excited to see how HTML5 makes a difference in building websites and what we can do with it in class.


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