Accessibility, Individuality, Cleanliness

Accessibility, Individuality, Cleanliness


When writing HTML markup, it has been repeatedly reiterated to be thorough in all aspects of it. Rather than creating a site that is good enough for you, it is imperative to write your markup in a way that can be read by numerous individuals, as well as edited by numerous individuals. HTML was created for its uniformity while still allowing you to express your creativity. Furthermore, the interface allows the designer to decide where he wants his page to be emphasized and how to use that for web promotion.


Configuring your site for better web promotion will allow it to be more search-engine friendly and will ultimately make it more accessible to the public. Accessibility was a big aspect of the article as it delved into the importance of creating code that could be taken over by another individual if necessary. Good tactics for ensuring a clean transition to the next editor is to forgo using inline CSS, avoid clutter, common and easy to recognize tags and most importantly to write as little markup as possible.


While you are encouraged to minimize your markup, there is still room for creativity, which is of hallmark importance when creating a site as it is the one thing you can do to set your site apart from the millions of others on the internet.

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