Week 3: Ho Chi Minh City

It’s hard to put into words what I’ve experienced here in Vietnam. I never would have imagined that the people could be in such deep poverty yet be so nice and welcoming. As a group we’ve talked to multiple Vietnamese people about their work in Vietnam and every single person was happy and enthusiastic. Outside of our group I’ve also come across people who work everyday just to barely get by and they seem content and at peace with their lives. The other day coming back from the Mekong delta we drove past three young children who were playing by the barrier in the middle of an extremely busy road. They had very dark skin, which we have learned is a sign of not having a lot of money, and their feet and legs were covered in dirt. It was such a sad sight to see, but then when one of the little girls caught me looking she started to smile and wave. She just looked as if the small act of seeing a younger Caucasian person brightened her whole day. Of course I can only speculate how the Vietnamese people I am seeing really feel and how happy they actually are, but after spending three weeks in Vietnam I am certain that there is some level of pride and happiness in most everyone whether they are rich or poor. I can barely believe that in a few hours we will be leaving this beautiful country and heading back to the United States. While I am definitely excited and ready to be back in America, I am so appreciative of this experience and happy that I have had the opportunity to learn and get to know the Vietnamese people and their culture better.



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  1. By hot vietnamese babes on June 20, 2021 at 2:34 am

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    Week 3: Ho Chi Minh City

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