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Sep 12 2010

Framing Questions (Week 2)

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1. It was interesting to read Rosenberry and Vicker’s take on paradigms in Chapter 5. It’s amazing how the three communications paradigms have governed virtually all of the theories and research for each paradigm’s time period. With all of the talk of Web 2.0 in recent years, is it possible that we are on the cusp of another major paradigm shift and, if so, how would the new paradigm differ from the current paradigm of individual effects, cultural theories, and social level effects?

2.   In the modern day, it is widely accepted that people are less affected by media messages and the wide access to the internet has allowed people to arm themselves with information before making choices such as voting or consumer purchases. However, as evidence in Rosenberry and Vicker’s examples, we still see the traditional propaganda techniques in use every day. Is it possible that these techniques still do work on another level? Are we really “immune” to commercial messages as we say we are? Why do certain brands still resonate in a time when consumers claim to be able to see through the lies?