Chloe Krulak

My friends jumped, I followed. One night my friends told me they were going cliff jumping at the crack of dawn the next morning and it took me a minute and I decided I would join them. Before this, I disliked the ocean and would not have trusted myself to jump into it from a cliff. I realized I was holding myself back to have fun and gage new experiences. Now it is my most measurable example of how much I changed throughout my study abroad experience.


Abby Kachris

My friends and I took on Ireland the only way we knew how, which was by train. Public transportation became a huge part of my life while abroad, which was surprising to me considering I had never been on a train system in my life prior my time in Ireland. Throughout my many train rides, I learned more about myself and the hope for a future of easily accessible public transportation in the United States. In these next five minutes, I give you a good idea of what it was like for me. Enjoy!


Sydnie Holder, Sally Long, & Alexa Lugo

Sydnie Holder

This is the story of the worst day of my time abroad. I learned the hard way that the city of London does not have a lost and found.

Sally Long

Free Night Out

Telling the story of the time we all went out in China and were given a ton of things for free because we were foreigners.

Alexa Lugo

The air is different in ruins of Pompeii. On a trip to the ancient city I felt a deep connection to the beauty and death that surrounded me.
