Anna Becker’s Biographical Service Statement

I am Anna Becker, and I am a sophomore Honors Fellow majoring in International Studies – Africa and English – Professional Writing and Rhetoric with minors in French and Nonviolence studies. My passions include live music, public service, and humanitarian work, especially as pertaining to Africa. I worked extensively this summer as part of the inaugural intern team for a new nonprofit organization, Calling All Crows, that works to mobilize musicians and their fans to end violence against women and promote public service. I have worked with such causes as Stoves for Sudan and the Sudanese Education fund, and have found this work to be inspiring, rewarding, and productive.

Through my participation in this amazing program, carrying on the legacy of Elon in South Africa, I hope to extend the mission of ending violence against women to the South African arena. This is an international issue that I have become very closely involved with as it affects the United States and Sudan, and I would really like to extend my knowledge and work to include South Africa.

Although my life in America is very different from that of a South African woman, when it boils down, we are both just women. Women who deserve to be safe in our daily lives, and live free of violence. This is an international issue about which I am very passionate. Being immersed in this new and different culture, I can’t wait to learn more about life in South Africa, draw comparisons to my own life, and hopefully be able to do some work for this cause either during my time there or as a result of the knowledge that I will undoubtedly acquire from this experience.

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