Author Archives: Samuel Kahane

Do We Control Our Fates Or Is It Marketing?

Above my bed is a sign that says: DESTINY – “The decisions we make, not the chances we take determine our destiny”BUT do we have say on our destiny? Or is it actually just a result of the marketing were exposed to?Think about it: all our biggest decisi… Continue Reading

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College Students: Enough Power to Change the World?

Everyone says that us college kids are the future…and that we have so much power to change the world, especially while being in a university and being so connected. But then why is our world perfect? Why don’t we rally together and change the worldLe… Continue Reading

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A Resume Workshop with Sam Kahane

Success. This is what everyone in this world wants, whether they measure success in money, friends, a beautiful wife, cars, countries visited, or friendships.To be successful you need to be able to show people how great you really are. You need to show… Continue Reading

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Shh…I Have an Elon Confession

Dear viewers, I would like start by confessing that I am one of you, and that I to read Elon Confessions.I just went there to try to find a tweet from a couple of days back and what I found was incredible. There were so many tweets from the past 4 hour… Continue Reading

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Barnes and Nobles Killing it

Hey Y’all,I write to you all today truly inspired. I am currently writing this from the Starbuck’s Cafe at Barnes and Nobles while sipping on a delicious mocha chip frappachino. Maybe the most amazing drink in the world.As I look around I notice a few … Continue Reading

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How to get Guys to Go to Group Exercise Classes

Group Exercise Definition – “The Group Exercise program has something for everyone! Our positive, energetic, instructors give students, faculty and staff an incentive to keep working out. Whether your goal is to tone, lose weight, reduce… Continue Reading

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Why do we read Smith Jackson Emails?

Why is it that out of the dozens of emails students get everyday, the one that they always open and read is the one from Smith Jackson. Literally, I have 3,636 unread emails in my inbox and maybe 40 of them out of the 100s we receive from Smith are unr… Continue Reading

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E=MC^2 = Marketing MUST evolve

Times are changing – Whether we like it or not 

-> that is one of the few truths in this world.

The old ways of dynamic and disruptive marketing are not as effective as they use to be. Consumers do not like having their everyday lives altered with and heckled by advertisements. Instead, the new approach is make consumers want to hear about you. The key is to be “that cool” that newspapers and everyday people are tweeting and buzzing about you. 

You need to become the buzz. Not the buzz kill that interrupts your everyday lives. 

Lets see what David Scott and a CMO thought about this change. 

Brian Kardon, a CMO who got his MBA in Marketing from Wharton says in a David Scott article titled, The journey from a traditional marketing executive to a modern CMO,” that he feels that all he has learned from his degree is now “obsolete.” When asked to give one piece of advice to CMO’s Brian said “You’ve got to tell yourself you’re a child again and you have to relearn what you’re doing.” Brian discusses how marketing frankly is a completely different game then it use to be. I compare it to continuing to use Myspace when everybody else is moving onto Facebook or to using wooden bats when everyone else is still now using metal. 

A good example of this new type of inbound marketing is Semester at Sea. People come to college and begin searching for places to study abroad. Word spreads through social media, wordpress accounts, and twitters. People will hear about Semester at Sea and do their own research because they are interested in it and learning about it. That is what inbound marketing is all about. Get them hooked through other outlets, through people and the internet communicating.

Inbound marketing creates that two way street. People feel like they discovered the product by themselves and are then invested without feeling forced to be there. Those people will continue to pass on the word. The key is making the initial product appealing. Because Semester at Sea is an awesome way to “sea” (HAHA classic joke) the world people are interested in it and search for more information.
The key = Be the buzz  
Sources – The New Rules of Marketing and PRDavid Meerman Scott

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How to Raise $$$$

Holly Stewart, fundraising master came into our class. She rocked my world.Senior Giving CommitteeI am on the SR giving committee, a group which is trying to get students to donate back to Elon and increase our endowment in order to make Elon better. I… Continue Reading

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Lets Win This (3 Keys to Success)

No team continues to win without holding true to key values and morals. David Williamson in Marketing & Communications in Nonprofit Organizations lists 3 key morals to success. During this blog post we will Examine the keys to team success in … Continue Reading

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