Author Archives: Nicholas Martin

IMC Personal Profile re-Visited

About Me 2.0.1 (for IMC):

I like to think of the world from different perspectives in order to enhance my view of it.
  I take a keen interest in current and future technologies that will completely change the way that we think and do business in our lives.  Being on the cutting edge is very important to me and helps me stay knowledgeable on different industries. 

Starting out at Elon I was a Management Major because I was always able to take control and delegate accordingly with any tasks or organizations I was involved in.  I picked up a second major in Marketing because I like to think outside the box and create new innovative ideas that can help people do business more efficiently.  This class was chosen because I really want to get in touch on creating the “Brand”, I want to learn how great companies like Apple came up from nothing to create their great brand communities that produce loyalists in today’s marketplace. 

After Elon, ideally I would like to work in a financial institution such as an investment bank.  While there I would try and secure a marketing position to further help the company reach its target demographics as well as brand image. 

My Ride

By being innovative, I started my own consulting firm 2 years ago and became a young CEO, currently NT Marketing LLC, is chartered in two states; NJ, NC and now works on the blogging side of the internet.  I have been able to help some small businesses innovate at a lower cost.  During last spring I got into helping them with technology.  Currently I will be putting the company on hold in order to concentrate on my last year at Elon.  I have since shifted it into a blogging brokerage firm that harnesses many bloggers under the NT Marketing Brand.  After I graduate I plan to have this company as a side job to continue my understanding of the marketing industry. 

TPC Sawgrass Spring Break 2012
I would be a great member of a team because I like to look at a problem from every side and angle.  After I look at those angles I create a few more.  When I head to a team I like to lead and delegate responsibilities so that everyone can bring their best skills to the table in order to help us create the top of the line products that can help people.  When a product is finished and it may be time to present to investors I possess the ability to think fast on my feet and really sell a product after creation.  It is my belief that a product might have to be sold before it is created.  That statement can be taken a number of ways but I strongly feel that the market for a product is usually created before one is released into it.  It is our job to take different ideas and create whole new concepts that the world never thought of in order to make it a better place.  

If you want to check out my NT Marketing Blog please head to our site or our hub pages.


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IMC Personal Profile re-Visited

About Me 2.0.1 (for IMC):

I like to think of the world from different perspectives in order to enhance my view of it.
  I take a keen interest in current and future technologies that will completely change the way that we think and do business in our lives.  Being on the cutting edge is very important to me and helps me stay knowledgeable on different industries. 

Starting out at Elon I was a Management Major because I was always able to take control and delegate accordingly with any tasks or organizations I was involved in.  I picked up a second major in Marketing because I like to think outside the box and create new innovative ideas that can help people do business more efficiently.  This class was chosen because I really want to get in touch on creating the “Brand”, I want to learn how great companies like Apple came up from nothing to create their great brand communities that produce loyalists in today’s marketplace. 

After Elon, ideally I would like to work in a financial institution such as an investment bank.  While there I would try and secure a marketing position to further help the company reach its target demographics as well as brand image. 

My Ride

By being innovative, I started my own consulting firm 2 years ago and became a young CEO, currently NT Marketing LLC, is chartered in two states; NJ, NC and now works on the blogging side of the internet.  I have been able to help some small businesses innovate at a lower cost.  During last spring I got into helping them with technology.  Currently I will be putting the company on hold in order to concentrate on my last year at Elon.  I have since shifted it into a blogging brokerage firm that harnesses many bloggers under the NT Marketing Brand.  After I graduate I plan to have this company as a side job to continue my understanding of the marketing industry. 

TPC Sawgrass Spring Break 2012
I would be a great member of a team because I like to look at a problem from every side and angle.  After I look at those angles I create a few more.  When I head to a team I like to lead and delegate responsibilities so that everyone can bring their best skills to the table in order to help us create the top of the line products that can help people.  When a product is finished and it may be time to present to investors I possess the ability to think fast on my feet and really sell a product after creation.  It is my belief that a product might have to be sold before it is created.  That statement can be taken a number of ways but I strongly feel that the market for a product is usually created before one is released into it.  It is our job to take different ideas and create whole new concepts that the world never thought of in order to make it a better place.  

If you want to check out my NT Marketing Blog please head to our site or our hub pages.


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The Whole Foods Effect

From time to time I will more than likely post links to my other blogs that I would love to share.  Here is the first below. Here is a link to a blog that was very hyped up on my other site a few weeks ago.  It got so many hits that Whole Foo… Continue Reading

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