To succeed in our increasingly interconnected legal world, today’s law graduates need a sophisticated array of education, experiences and skills. As borders blur and the economy increasingly becomes part of a larger, global market, the importance of a study abroad experience cannot be overstated. Our Summer Program in Madrid provides an experience that enhances the typical law school curriculum by adding depth and dimension to what students learn in their U.S. classrooms, and helps you develop a broadened perspective to take into future legal studies and careers.
Students may enroll in three of the six courses we offer, earning up to five credits. Five of the six faculty are Spanish law professors, and one is from William & Mary. All classes are taught in English. Classes are held Monday – Thursday, leaving long weekends for students to explore Spain or other European countries. 2016 will be the 29th year of our Madrid program.
For more information visit the website, where you can find information about classes and credits; costs, scholarships, and financial aid; the schedule; activities; and the six courses students can choose from, and our faculty.
Summer Program in Madrid, Phone: (757) 221-6352