Scrofano Law PC Aspiring Public Defender Scholarship

At Scrofano Law PC, we believe that working as a public defender is one of the highest callings in the legal profession. Too often public defenders are overworked and under resourced. They face daily insurmountable odds in the courtroom and in a system that is often rigged against their clients. To give back to the legal community and express our admiration and appreciation to those who aspire to fight for the underdog, we have created a scholarship for law students interested in pursuing a career as a public defender.

Scholarship Amount: $1,500.00

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 1st or 2nd year law student;
  • Interest in legal career representing individuals rather than institutions
  • Employed in summer position at a public defender’s office
  • Deadline: June 1 each year
  • Application Requirements: Resume, Transcript, Offer letter or other proof of internship at PDS that indicates whether paid or unpaid

In addition, please include an essay on the following topic.

As a public defender or private criminal defense lawyer, you will often be asked the question: how can you defend people you know are guilty? Respond to that question in 500-700 words.


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