Are You My Father

Are You My Father ?

Holy Smokes! I don’t even know what I should say or where I should start with this blog. I think I would have to start with a round of applause with another random yell of HOLY SMOKES! Why do I have so much energy, I really don’t know but I really enjoyed viewing these videos. I loved hearing from the artist point of view and hearing what inspires them, or what was their process when making or designing something. Everyone had a different method or process when making their work, but one thing that was common was the passion behind their artwork (design.) There were three people that really caught my interest with their process and artwork. The first was James Victore. His artwork was great! I really thought it was interesting on how he said that the graphic design club is not really made to sell items and materials but the graphic design club really has spikes and was hardcore. He was extremely passionate about his work and his final projects were a result from his passion. Another artist that had my interest was Paula Scher and her typography. I found it very interesting where she had made the Citi logo in 10 minutes on a napkin after being inspired by someone with an umbrella. She had created a well-known logo on a napkin. There was NO structure, template, etc. She was just being creative and followed her own rules. The last person that caught my interest was Mark Romanek. He produced music videos. What I thought was interesting was how he told how each and every shot was “set up” and planned to the T. Even thought the footage looked like raw material everything had been planned. Many people believe that just because someone snaps a picture or records something means that it is raw footage. The number one thing he said was how one could have a perfect shot and spent hours on it, but if it didn’t fit within the video then there was no point in using it. So basically after reading all of this all one can really say is Holy Smokes!


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