It has been fun

Throughout this semester I really enjoyed doing all of the Visual Aesthetics projects.  I would have to say they were my favorite to do, because each project was very different and we got to do a variety of things.  Coming into the class I did not realize how challenging it would be to create things that I was proud of.  I have come to realize that I need to absorb as much design as I can from as many places as possible in order to expand my mind on the subject of visuals.

I am really proud of most of the work that I have done in this class, and I find myself wishing that it lasted longer, or that there was an option to continue in the spring. I think I could definitely benefit from this class if it had lasted longer.  But now it is up to me to continue to pay attention to visual elements around me, and to hone my skills.

I really enjoyed doing each project, but the iPhone interface in particular was my favorite project of the semester.  I feel like it came out looking great, and looking at it makes me feel like I have come a long way since the first days of bootcamp.  With each project I completed I came away with different skills, and at times it feels like I have such a long way to go until I am prepared for a real world job.  At moments like that I try to think back to the days in bootcamp when I could not use to pen tool properly, or to the times when I was in the lab for the final bootcamp project utterly stressed out wondering if I was going to be able to complete the project.

Every time I finish a project I can look back and think about what I have learned during that process.  My favorite thing is when I am working in a program and I figure out a short cut or I think of a work around that I had never thought of.  I am looking forward to what I will learn in the coming semester, because looking back on what I have learned in this past semester is kind of staggering.  I hope that I learn as much if not more in the spring.

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