After you type titles enough, it looks like titties.

This week of class has sort of turned around my whole career aspiration. I never realized that Title Design was a real thing. And the stuff that they do is fantastic. I spent a lot longer on Art of the Title than I thought I would, and I seriously want to get on the phone with some people and talk to them about getting into this industry.

The first title sequence I watched was interesting because there was very little emphasis on the design of it. I watched the sequence from The Shining, where a helicopter follows the little station wagon up the hill to the creepy ass hotel. And the titles themselves aren’t really that impressive. Bright blue helvetica? Okay, Stanley. But the flyover really makes you feel disconnected from the world. Really gives you a sense of isolation. And that sets you up for one of the scariest damned movies ever.

Another one of my favorite title sequences is from 127 hours. It juxtaposes a bunch of crowds with Aaron Ralston alone driving to Moab. It’s a really weird sequence, but insanely fun to watch. I think that Danny Boyle had a lot to do with that, and it really helps you feel as alone as that hiker.

Both of those examples are a little depressing. It’s weird that I’d pick those and write a post on how lonely I feel.

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