I still want more…

Before this class I never really thought about the creative process. However as the semester progressed, I learn more about the roles of strategy and planning in visual aesthetics. Instead of going with the first idea that comes to your mind I really learned that you must go through a trail and error process. Although you must eventually arrive at a decision I now understand how important it is to gather inspiration and sketch before sitting down and creating anything. Design is a process and in order to achieve something great you must put the time and effort into the steps that come before the final product.

This class has really inspired me to think more about design and how it can transform information. One of my favorite projects we did was the infographic. Even though I didn’t love the final product I produced I really liked the way the project challenged me. During this project I found myself really thinking about creative ways to interpret statistical data in order to make it interesting to people. I think it really helped me to understand how design can transform information into something that makes people take notice.  Moving forward, I would love to enhance my skills further. While I think I have learned a lot throughout the semester I know there is still so much to learn especially since I am interested in exploring careers in information, interface and interaction design.

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