The iPhone was the first Apple product I owned. The design blew me away, it was so easy to use and intuitive and it hooked me on Apple products. Soon after I had a Macbook, and the rest is history. But if it weren’r for the intuitive design of their products I wouldn’t be such a fan.
One of the most important aspects of the iPhone interface is the absence of “administrative debris” on the screen. As the narrator says, any such debris takes up valuable screen space. The option to toggle the buttons on and off creates a powerful and simple design. This is one of the best features of the overall design: it simplifies and enhances the impact of the interface.
The ability to side scroll images is also an excellent feature. My daughter has been able to use this feature since she was an infant. Also, my mom can use it. It’s like an interactive slideshow.
Overall, the entire design follows the main principal he stated: “If the information is cluttered, revise the design until it works.” That is the overall philosophy of the iPhone interface. It is also an excellent principal of design. When information is becoming cluttered, it’s a flaw in the design. I’m going to let this principal heavily influence the upcoming interface design project.