Administrative Debris.

Well, before now I saw the iphone as god. Now I can’t open the stock market app without thinking, “look at this ‘Chartoon'”!

Mac design always seems to be at the top of its game, but its interesting to see it critiqued the way we would rip apart a class project. I can’t imagine the process and usability testing that mac products must undergo before they hit the market. I visualize a bloody gladiator fight with the iphone in the center ring.

But I can’t disagree that the design isn’t always congruent. Some app pages are well executed with the highest resolution possible, packed with detail, clarity, and little “administrative debris”. (Which by the way is my new favorite term..let’s be honest this could apply to all facets of life. When the administration just leaves a wicked mess or gets in the way. Yes. Next Question…) I do think the stock market page has some powerpoint qualities. It’s filled with color and curves- but I can read it. And I don’t know the first thing about following stocks- so this is not an app I use on the reg anyway. Same with the weather. “With detail is clarity”. But I could also argue that some of the most simple designs are the best. The weather app generally tells me everything I need to know. I’m not bothered with a high resolution photo taken by satellite of shifting clouds overhead. No. Won’t even bother to look at it- aside from having a blonde moment (when I stare at it, and think…ooooo pretty).

I get what I need from the weather chartoon. For every city my heart desires, and I have pre-programmed. I weekly forecast and a picture to coincide. That’s all I can ask from the weather channel! And this one is at my fingertips. So many articles as of late say that we are becoming the computer generation…and we no longer read…we skim. True. So why wouldn’t I want the basics presented in a clean format? If I want a picture and some detail, I would be happy to dig for it. In other words, click 3 buttons connecting me to online, and whaaalaaaa! A satellite picture that makes me remember the days when I wanted to be an astronaut!

I’m still in awe of the great things apple can do. And I expect that their user interface will only improve with user testing on the general public. Nevertheless, there will always be a downfall to cutting edge…you can’t always win when your running out front.

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