iPhone: benefit or hindrance?

Tufte made some very interesting remarks about how the purpose of the iphone is up for debate. The idea behind the iphone is an efficient way to manage data and to do so in a manner that is not taxing to the individual. This is the point where theory and reality diverge.

Despite Apple’s claims of it being a sufficient way to organize one’s life, what does one do when content becomes too overwhelming? Does the influx of app development generate too much of a problem for the consumer?  These questions must be kept in mind in order to generate a product concept that is easily grasped by a wide demographic.

There also were questions about how the capabilities of resolution are limited by a lack of standards with successive variants. For instance the original iPhone has a resolution of exactly 320×480 whereas the iPhone 4 has 640×960. This overlap of images means that the pixel differentiation causes some images to become blurred and out of focus.

Truly this was an interesting video by Tufte. Well worth keeping in mind.

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