Rick Morris

Rick Morris, a motion graphic designer, started his career in illustration and transitioned to digital later in life. Through his quirky reel, I could see that Morris has done a lot of expressive works and is very talented in what he does. He gives good advice for making a reel. For students, he explains a reel is just a combination of what you have done. As a teacher himself, Morris thinks concept, theory and process are important in design, however the most important thing in school is to create things that you can compile into a reel. Morris provided tips for putting together a reel including:

  • have a clever intro
  • editing makes a lot of impact
  • show your range—3-D, graphic appeal, transitions, camera movement, color coordinate
  • think about music and editing simultaneously—let elements come together at the same time
  • have an outro with name and info at the end

This advice is very helpful for those looking to create a reel. Although, I doubt I would have enough motion material at the end of this year to have a reel, this is helpful information for the future.

Morris is definitely passionate about his career and the art he creates. He mentions that passion is what every designers needs. My favorite line from his documentary was that art come from inside of you—“it’s your heart, that connects to your brain, and connects to your hands.” From all of our guest speakers and artist interviews we have heard and watched this year, passion seems to be the most important aspect of our work. Passion serves as inspiration. Passion helps us create masterpieces. Passion is what makes us love what we do.

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