Where is Design Going?

I love how designers think about the mundane and make it functional and special. I couldn’t agree more that the world would be a better place if designers tackled the concept and construction of transportation. I think if we could build in efficiency and a small carbon footprint, while still maintaining structure and utility- the world of transportation could be a “well-oiled machine”. I would love for the D.C. transit system to do away with the tennessee orange seats that line the interior of the subway train. I makes my head ache, they say orange is a happy color…but I would argue that it just makes you hungry.

Transportation is overcrowded, overused, and under-designed. Helvetica covers the walls and maps with instructions. Colors and circular bubbles represents stops along the transit path be it train, plan, metro, or bus. And the lines marking the road traveled are twisted and turned back on themselves like a maze in a children’s coloring book.  There as to be a better way…a road “less” traveled. A creative solution to the transportation revolution.

I loved the artist comment on the eraser (a tangible design that inspires creativity). Lets just erase it all and start over. We can do it better next time, right? If you make it disappear you have a new space to create. I wish we could run a white board eraser over the streets of Los Angeles… clean up the traffic pattern and create a system of A to B that might make everyones life a lot better.

I think design and designers can be so inspired. As a person that only dabbles in the science (with hope for more), I think that even the smallest tool or work of art could inspire change and creation, if given the opportunity.



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