Creepy, Adorable Television Sets!

So, Pica Towers.


Some messed up stuff.


And I don’t just mean the death, violence and murder that occurs throughout the three films, oh no, but the ability to turn adorable television characters into blood, I mean fluid-thirsty characters.


I think what takes these films to the next level, however, is the design being black and white.  If the animation occurred in color most of the scenes would have been obvious or lost their twisted charm.  The first time I watched the first short, I didn’t realize all the death that occurred.  In color, the designers would have had to use red in the animation at some point and take away the suspense and mystery.


Additionally, the first short included a hanging/trapped/strapped/dangling television, something I still don’t know what it was today.  If this television was in fact being tortured, again, blood would have to be used.  The fact that this character’s original purpose is unknown adds to the mystery of the film and gives us the audience to ponder what the heck is going on.  Color would have completely destroyed the appeal of these shorts, so Bravo! for not using any.

I’m still hung up on turning adorable televisions into murders.  Pixar must be appalled.


Anyways, when I first saw the shorts I was impressed with myself when I connected the second short to the third by the gunshot.  Perhaps you didn’t know this.  Now you do.   I am smarter than you.


This subtle transition is something I overly enjoyed because I am someone who thinks about how people in this place reacted to a sound or action compared to people in this other place.  Does that make sense?  And not just the initial reaction but what the person or people went on to do after something happens.  If a gunshot was heard, some people make freak out and through themselves onto cement whilst throwing their arms over their heads, while other may run, or they may just not give a shit.  Now that I am off track, let me reel you in and say that this scene really adapted how people act in society today, and through televisions!


The best part about these films is how creepy they are.  A blind television set creeped me out.  A uni-browed television set with an over-sized shotgun creeped me out.  He shot this gun on what looked like to be a mental hospital, but for adorable televisions.  It just goes to show you how twisted people can be when you can make adorably, creepy, animated television sets.


In the end, these shorts are a great example of how filmmakers let audiences create parts of the story in their heads instead of explaining (and boring) the audience by playing scene by scene.  It’s interesting to find out what the other person thought or how they would describe a same compared to your own.  You should try that sometime.  Warning: heated discussions will occur.


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