Chipp Docter Ze

How awesome if Chip Kidd!??!?!  How awesome is Chip Kidd’s name?!?!?!


And how drunk was Chip Kidd when he was interviewed??!?!?!


He said some things I would like to comment on:


“I am inspired by New York City.”

The city or how expensive the city is, leading to you having to be inspired in order to make the money to live in such a city?


“I am inspired by my monthly mortgage payment.”

There ya go! Some honesty!


“That’s why {graphi designers} cry, and drink.”

Is it really the emotional roller coaster of graphic design work or a secret addiction to the bottle?


“It is important to take yourself seriously.”

The Joker doesn’t think so.


He also admitted to spying on people and how important it is to him.  I will refrain from making a comment on this.



Is it wrong that I may have wanted Pete Docter to fall off the roof?  Of course there would be a giant mattress to catch him, but I don’t need to know that.  He’s my hero, nonetheless, because he directed Up. I like that he discussed design through story.  Mostly due to the fact that I am not the best designer but I am an avid reader and I like stories.  Perhaps thinking this way will lend to by design block in my brain and inspire me to become awesome.  Perhaps Docter also used this design as to why he filmed on the roof.  Because I am not the only person who wanted him to fall off the roof, and in response he mentally gave all of us who did the middle finger because he didn’t fall off.


Oh, Ze Frank, you had me at your gum chewing and lost me at your love for Jane McGonigal.  Also, your website sucks, how could you have possibly win an award for something like that?  But your point on social interaction design is worthy so you’re back on solid ground but don’t get to excited because I still don’t like you.  Perhaps I like your argument because I like group work on design, as you so mentioned, and its gargantuan effect of the world when done properly.  Perhaps I like your argument because of how you discussed the effects design has on many problems in our world, insert Banksy.  Whatever it may be, and however much you may be right, you’re website still sucks.


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