What the…?

Bible-selling TV’s being stabbed?

Pizza delivery TV’s being shot?

You would make us watch something like this Motley, you would.

Where to begin…

As a series the three videos are cohesive. Despite the lacking storyline, they all go to together well and have the same feel, look, design. The animation is definitely well done and makes you believe the TV sets (and whatever else they were) are real creatures. Might be lost in a generation or two when antennas for TVs are too obsolete though. In “Good News” I like the second time the character opens the door and you see how the eyes change. Even in greyscale and non-realistic format, you know he is seeing something surprising / scary, thus very well done.

AHA! Just had a lightbulb moment in to make sense of this by reading others’ blogs and looking at the site. The website says these animations are the three tales of darkness. I haven’t fully figured this out yet – but you could say blindness (like in Hounds of Flesh) is a darkness. Even though the audience isn’t blind, the producer stuck with the same theme to make the shorts consistent. The other two are too similar to me (so far) to distinguish what their darkness is….death, killing, torture, religion….still working on it.

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