Living with the Nightmare called Data – Journalism In the Age of Data

Numbers turn me off. That’s the plain truth. I guess I am not the only one out there who is allergic to numbers. So when it comes to data, especially in terms of numbers and stats, I would prefer to banish them to the amazonian jungles, and live my own life. But life has taught me that number crunching is a part of life – that I have to come to terms with all sorts of data. So dress up the numbers and make them look attractive, and I guess I would give some attention to them. The documentary on Data visualization has made me understand that this is possible – that I need not live in dread of the numeral world. Thank goodness, there are people who are making terrific efforts to visualize data in the most pleasing of ways to make me see sense in their existence.

With the giant leap Information Technology has been making, there is no dearth of data collection. In fact you can have data in all sizes and forms and regarding everything under the heavens and may be also beyond them – almost!. If those data are visualized realistically, meaningfully and aesthetically, there’s going to be hordes of people who will pay attention to them. Amanda Cox of the New York times makes that very clear. Looking at her data visualization, I for one, would think that the nightmare called numbers did not even exist. There is magic in that kind of visualization.

The documentary also makes it clear that publications, whether in print or digital form, have realized the importance of clear and precise data visualization. Since data is something all look for in order to understand the complexities of life, journals are sort of obliged to come up with cute and effective ways of presenting data to their readers or viewers. But unfortunately sometimes the visual aspect takes precedence over the clarity aspect of data visualization. As a result one finds not infrequently the visual representation of data become modern-art objects, rather than practical tools to understand the multifaceted process of life. It looks like it is time for me too to take interest in dressing up numbers.

Oh, yeah, the omnipotent Google needs to be thanked for giving us ton load of numbers to feast on visually.

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