The Story of Stuff.

First of all, please click on the link below if there’s time. As I was watching this tale of “stuff”, I was recalling George Carlin’s rant on the exact same thing…. JUST TOO MUCH STUFF!

I really found this video interesting. Stuff. Something I hate. I might be a bit of a minimalist. But with that, I know I contribute to the trash far more than I should. I found it so interesting the graph on our “level of happiness” as a culture since 1950. Sad really- material fill-ins just don’t cut it.

As said, it’s a great example of the technological convergence. It featured voice, data, video, and visual components- all to increasing the learning experience. I found that this presentation was educational and held my attention well, while unravelling the point. Not to mention thought-provoking without being “preachy”. I haaaaaaaate preachy, even if I agree with subject. No one likes to be told what to believe (outside of cults and very small children that will one day change their minds :)) haha.

The visual components of this project (flash created perhaps?) were wonderful. They were simplistic, but poignant. I like the effect of writing on a whiteboard…but with a dynamic, ever updating flow chart to accompany your basic drawings. This accompanied by a real-life person and voice, made the project reach the audience on a more personal level. At least in my opinion, I prefer to be spoken to. This almost mimicked a classroom setting- but if not that, it was at least genuine.  I believed she had spent her time researching, traveling, gathering information- and had more knowledge on the topic than I. It was well delivered, and hard to argue with.  In video format, it’s a resource that people can use over and over without losing its value or availability. It was movie, infographic, animated cartoon, class lesson, and bedtime story…all rolled into one. Change the world.

The end.




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