Information Storytelling

Fifty percent of our brain is hard wired for visual information. That is a pretty startling statistic. So the trick is to take the mundane information in life and make it visual which, is exactly the goal of the info graphics. The most interesting thing to me about infographics is the range of stories they can tell by simply changing the lense of view point. Making data visual allows you to see patterns that you didn’t know where there before. Instead of being data on a page the information becomes a story. Visualizing data buts it in context. When you see data reflected in visuals your brain is able to make better sense of it.

Data visualization, gives us a way to see information in a completely new way. In the age of the digital making information visual is not enough now many news organizations like the New York Times and MSNBC are working to make info graphics that can be interactive and accessible to the user. No longer does data need to be read off a page but instead, it can be organized and interacted with by the viewer.  Adding interactivity allows the user to decide what is interesting to them, it gives them variables they can explore in order to choose what story they want the information to tell.

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