Design to Last

Last Christmas I received an iPhone 4! I was so excited to have a newest, fastest, best iPhone. I went home, connected it to my iBook (circa 2005), running OS 10.4, and got the sad new my new phone couldn’t connect to the computer. I could not upgrade to the latest version of iTunes, because you had to have 10.5 or higher. While 10.4 was older (released in April 2005), I was furious Apple was not supporting it. I ended up buying a MacBook Pro to support my new phone purchase.

Now, I was planning on purchasing a new laptop in the future, since I was planning on attending the iMedia program, but how many other people did this happen to? While my iBook was old, it was still running just fine. I couldn’t believe Apple decided to stop supporting technology that was only a few years old. As a consumer and loyal customer was very frustrating.

After watching The Story of Electronics, I went to view Apple’s recycling report card from Electronics Take Back Coalition. It was very disappointed to see their grade was only a C+. I do believe Apple products are the best, but I hope they start creating more sustainable products and start better consumer recycling programs. Apple creates a new, better gadget every few months it seems, and if they want people to continue to by them, they need to figure out a better product take back system.

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