I could never color in between the lines and my blocks were square houses…

Watching the Hillman Curtis Videos inspired me but also gave me a sharp dose of reality…it relates and maybe confirms what I was thinking about the other day.  I often have these thoughts about life and such and I come up with quotes that I write down and on Friday, I came up with this one: “Just because you like a song doesn’t mean you have to be a musician.  Let the song inspire your mind, not make your mind…sometimes appreciation is enough.”  I felt that while watching the videos.

In each video, each designer seemed to agree on several things in regard to design:

Emotion, Intuition, personal experience and creativity.

I was 0 for 4.  Each dream of being a filmmaker and graphic designer went out the window.  Back to Journalism and writing.

Growing up, I could always hear well, but my vision was impaired.  No this isn’t a play on the fact that I wear glasses, or maybe it is.  What I’m saying is, I was always a thinker, I thought, I spoke, I wrote.  When it came to visuals, let’s just say I just recently started to understand color schemes.  I could never color in between the lines in Kindergarten.  My art projects were hideous.  Leggos? Psst I just built more squares and called it a castle.  *thinks back* Yea, it was definitely a bunch of big rectangles on top of each other.

These designers, so passionate, so intricate, so crafty.  In one of the Pentagram films, I noticed a lot of the designers had on cool eyewear, not conventional glasses for just seeing better but it’s almost as if they wanted to make a statement with their eyes…dressing their best asset if you will.  They spoke intently on each work, on the craft of design and on how “they” viewed it.  Here’s a problem, I don’t view it at all.  I appreciate it, I’m inspired by it, but it pains me to say I haven’t been emotionally creative since I was 17. In an artistic sense…I’ve had some spurts.

I used to write poetry.  I stopped.  I stopped hearing emotions, let alone feeling them.  Well that was a bit dramatic but emotions in regard to production of work.  I’ve never been able to fully explore my creativity in a sense of a visual perspective.  These individuals were born to design.  It’s not something they picked up along the way.  However, in one video, there’s something a designer from Pentagram said “But it was that quick…it only took a second…a second in 34 years.”  Maybe I’m a late bloomer?  Maybe year one of my 34 starts today…with this class….with this program.  Or am I pushing it?  Just because I like design doesn’t mean I’m a designer or capable of being one, just because I like I like music but I’ll never produce a song.

Excuse my stream of consciousness but there’s something about revelations and epiphanies that cause me to ramble.

Favorite Videos: Mark Romanek, Lawrence Weiner, and David Carson.  Weiner’s comment about Helvetica and its inability to adapt or submit to other styles…referencing its superiority because it’s about sophistication made me think…All of these individuals referenced the ability to adapt or to interpret and produce what they felt.  I think that comment, those opinions and my feelings relate because as I’m in the Visual Aesthetics course, which I absolutely enjoy, being around other classmates who have the artistic ability, I’m sort of adapting and with each assignment, I’m interpreting how I feel.  Does that make me a designer or just a student in a design class?   Uhm.  We’ll see.


*disregard the sentence structure and horrible grammar, I was thinking faster than I could type, so the entire blog, well came out like I was thinking, choppy, random but with a purpose I guess* 🙂

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