Good old bland Helvetica

Typefaces have always interested me. I have downloaded more typefaces than I think I could ever possibly use. I find that the ability to change the meaning of words by the way they look fascinating.

Helvetica has always been a typeface that’s just there. Plain and not exciting. I rarely use it, but also didn’t realize (or I guess not think) about how much it is actually used. The movie Helvetica really opened my eyes to this font and gave me a new respect towards it. I would have never known about the history and the actual impact it has had.

Even with this newfound respect toward it, I still doubt that I’m going to use it and have actually gotten mad about how many times I see it now. I understand that having things standardized can be important, but I think in some areas society has gone overboard and is turning very static. Typefaces can be exciting and truly add another dimension to writing. I think even often times people would be able to get their point across better by using a font that gives the feeling the user wants to convey.

We have the ability to “add a little spice to life” when choosing fonts. Although Helvetica is extremely legible, it is in my opinion boring and definitely not going to add that spice. So, go crazy, try a new font, or picture something that is in Helvetica, what would it be if it wasn’t.

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