Formalism + Postmodernism

I find myself stuck, as an art lover and sometimes even a creator, between whether I believe in the formalist view of art or if I find that postmodernism is a better lens to view art through.  The thing about art that I love and hate about it is that there really are no right answers, just different ways to view the same thing.  People like to classify their own art as part of a particular movement, which is fine and dandy, but that doesn’t save it from being viewed from a million other perspectives and movements by viewers.

However, as standalone concepts, both formalism and postmodernism are quite impacting.  Formalism wishes for observers to see the art for art’s sake.  Separate it from meaning or perspective and view it simply for what it is.  View the lines, shapes, colors as just that and bask in its beauty not particularly for what it means to you but because it is aesthetically pleasing to you.

Postmodernism, however, encourages the opposite.  I am usually drawn to view art first for what it is but then my mind begins to churn and I want to dig deep into the artist’s psyche and wonder what, consciously or subconsciously, motivated the piece.  I find postmodernism to be the most fun category of art.  It keeps all avenues open whereas I feel that formalism, as in its name, restricts.

Realism and expressionism seem to balance between the two in various ways.  Expressionism is very in tune with feelings and emotions that a piece evokes which can be fascinating to explore because emotions come so naturally to us, regardless of educational background or experience.

Art is something new to me theoretically but as always been a part of my life.  I find that learning about the various types and categories only emphasizes the way that I am used to viewing art.  I just grow more confident in my approach.

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