
I’m often compelled by subjects of which I have no prior knowledge.  It’s intriguing when I discover something new, well new to me that is.  I’ve always admired art and appreciated it for what it was but now I am forced with the question, “what is it?”

Completing self-portrait projects on realism and expressionism really allowed me to explore the essence of this new culture for me.  Growing up, I wrote poetry and I considered any word form or usage to have artistic value.  I know when I hear good poetry.  I know when I read a good book.  I’m not sure when I see good art, art in a theoretical sense…pictures, paintings, sculptures and what have you.  Or do I?

I’m discovering art is all about you and your opinion.  It’s largely opinion based however the individuals whose opinions have the most validity such as critiques, philosophers and aestheticians have paid their dues in the culture.  Such as I, what right do I have to say that poem is good or bad? Well, I’ve been around the poetry corner for quite some time…it’s a quest of experience and understanding I believe.

Formalism came to me as a “very matter of fact” type of art. It’s very cocktails and dinner parties.  We are classy, we are about presentation, we are well in a sense…formal. It is very “a pleasure to meet you.”

Post-Modernism, being frank if I may, may be viewed as transitional art.  It’s that kid who had pink hair last week, now he’s wearing Ferragamo’s and an ascot.  It’s trendy, it’s changing, it’s not quite developed.

Realism could be considered as “I’m a student, I study, I learn, this is my destiny.”  The subject is the focus, all attention and rule concerns the subject.  A very conceited art form but favored and enjoyed because it’s always, well as the picture depicts aesthetically pleasing and easily enjoyed….a convenient piece of eye candy.

Expressionism, “say it Loud,” art.  How do you feel?  What do you think?  Are you thinking?  Why should I tell you?  I’m all over the  place and I love it.  It’s free flowing.

Bare in mind, I am a novice.  These opinions may be way off.  An art critique may want to bash me with several words containing five or more syllables in stream of consciousness based article and  I think that’s ok because I’m solely denoting what I think.  Isn’t that an art form as well?  Maybe.

Each art is correlated in a way in which it really depends on the style and gestures of the artist.  Some people say sal-mon, some say sah-mon.  Some like grapefruit, some prefer oranges.  Contingent upon the intended audience I suppose.  I’m simply taking it all in, a new culture and all culture is good culture, even if I’m not an expert, there’s always room for translation.

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