Stitch Niche

Stitch Bitch by Shelley Jackson was a very interesting way how to present a narrative and idea. The little episodes of narration are tight and self-contained and do not require any other part to understand what is being said.

I have to say I like the idea of non-linear stories. Being a gamer, I enjoy taking my own path to the end of the story. That is not to say that I think there should not be any linear elements but being able to choose particular elements at my leisure is refreshing. Stitch Bitch does a great job of creating those snippets of information by not venturing outside of a central idea for each section. This helps accomplish the feeling of discontinuity that is still strung together; each smaller idea is haphazardly woven into a larger central idea.

Though I have to say that I am not entirely convinced on how successful the story is. Just because I break the rules to make something new does not make it good nor does it make more or less like art. The whole post-modern idea of throwing out all the rules has a place and works well when it is executed correctly but I am just missing the well executed part from Stich Bitch. Each part feels a bit too distance from each other to really synthesize into one chunk, artifact of narrative.

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