Transition Is Good!

“Transition” is a word that can ignite different emotions in different people due to its close relations to the word “change.”   Some people love the idea because they view it as an inevitable part of life.  Others hate it because they prefer things to stay the way they are. There are some who even fear change as pointed out in Introduction: Toward an Aesthetic of Transition. This short passage talks about the evolution of mediums and the negative apocalyptic attitudes toward the phenomenon.

Let’s look at the example of e-books and kindles.  Many argue that these new technologies make its predecessors obsolete and will basically lead to the death of books. However, the authors argue that the medium of type remains the same.  People are still receiving a message through type and text which is the most important factor; however, the method through which they are receiving the message has changed.  The same goes for the medium of sound. The authors pointed out that cassette tapes may be dead, but the medium of sound still lives on. We just have new forms of listening to sound.

Instead of thinking of new media as murderers of traditional media, we should look at it as the convergence of new and old technology and embrace it.  New technologies make our lives easier and more entertaining. I love carrying my iPod touch around with instant access to the web, news, music, games and much more.  I love going to see movies in IMAX and 3D technology.   I love being able to access any of my favorite novels or books through the internet.  As the world continues to turns, we will continue to see the evolution of new media and I am the one who will be excited for the transition because change is inevitable.

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