Principles of Perception

I thought this article was very helpful to understanding the concepts of perception on a website. I didn’t realize that it was only part 1 to all the Gestalt principles of perception until the very end of the article, but I still thought it was a good introduction to the series. The figure ground relationship, which states that humans view elements as either figures being the distinct elements of focus or as ground being the background or landscape on which the figures rest, seems like such a simple concept. I can imagine that this concept is easily overlooked when people who are not experts are trying to make a site or blog, or for those such searching the web.

This guy Andy seems to know what he is talking about, and has a very thorough and interesting set of materials on his blog, but I thought his site was very amateur and simple, made off some sort of template. When the different principles were listed I had wished there were visual examples of each, so I liked the examples shown later in the article. I liked how there were examples of other sites, but I didn’t like that when I clicked the link that it didn’t open up into another tab—another aspect that seems to be very amateur. The article was organized effectively and had an easy flow to read, but the visuals were extremely dull. I mean the article was about laws of perception so you would think it would more visually appealing. The author could have played around with the visuals in congruence to each rule.


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