Perhaps I was destined to create sites for mobile browsing- one of my biggest weaknesses in web design is maintaining a specific structure and keeping it consistent with the entire page. Most mobile users are not there for the interactive web experience but are there to absorb content, no matter how bland the information may be. Users of mobile data are likely there for one of four specific reasons:
- To look up and find information: often through a quick scan on a search engine.
- Explore/play: information absorption at its most basic level, high quality web design is not absolutely necessary, but concise information in an easily navigable medium is key.
- Checking in or posting a status/tweet/social media update: Mostly conducted through a specific application, where the websites are simplified for the mobile use and to fit on a smaller screen.
- Edit/Create: This could be the one facet of mobile web use where complex navigation is most needed. If individuals are using their mobile devices to do work, much of it is likely going to be completed on a physical computer, thus web design similar to that of the original web page is necessary to ensure consistency.
Maybe the best and most useful part of mobile web design is the “menu” button which seems to find its way onto most mobile websites and mobile applications. This allows for users to still engage in the content over navigation experience but still access a wider multitude of information at ease from a simple drop down menu.