Organizing Mobile: New Favorite Way to Interact with the Web

I thought that is was great for us to read “Organizing Mobile” by Luke Wroblewski . Since technology is always changing and adapting to many other devices, it’s important to incorporate the web with them so people can access it from any device. And since phone are practically a needed requirement for an adult these days, being able to access the web from your phone is really important. And how little our attention span is these days, we need the quickest and easiest way to get what we want. We don’t want anymore complications then what we are dealing with now.

One part of the article I found interesting was Wroblewski stating infomation from Josh Clark’s book Tapworthy. According to his book, Clark focussed on three critical mobile behaviors:

1) Micro-tasking: something important keeps changing/updating OR There’s something that needs to get done pronto!

2) “I’m local”: an answer needed immediately OR is related to my current location

3) “I’m bored”: Having some free time to kill and need a few distractions the internet can provide me.

Looking at how people today, including myself, are immersed in their phones, I have to say it’s entirely true. Phones have become the quickest way to check up what’s going on in the fabulous world of the WWW. So why not give the internet users what they want all compact and ready in their mobile devices.

Though sizing and adjusting text and such is important to any mobile devise/ small tablet, I didn’t realize how content first and navigation second is a key factor to a great mobile website. If you think about front pages of many sites, navigation is all around and it is left to you to pick where to go for your content. In a mobile site, people immediately want the content there so they can get to it faster. I am a HUGE Youtube fan, so I’m constantly on it on my computer or mobile phone. On the site, navigation is there and clear for me to see, so I know where to go. On my mobile, I’m presented with content immediately; so i can find what I want or stumble upon any other video that may catch my interest. If the YouTube mobile was the same as the site, I’d probably just get frustrated on how I can’t access my content as quickly or even quicker than my computer.

As I’ve stated, technology is changing and adapting to all types of media and devices. So naturally, the web is preferred to be accessed by as many of them as possible. So if there any web designers considering making their website mobile, take a look at “Organizing Mobile” by Luke Wroblewski . You’ll definitely learn a thing or two there.

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