I really liked this blog. He breaks it up in a cohesive manner and adds all of the coding under the explanation for better understanding. Since I’m very familiar with WordPress, it was really cool to see how the themes are created. I don’t really like that all of his coding is horizontal, instead of vertical, like how I do it. But I see that he did it to save space, and it’s probably what works best for him anyways.
The pictures of the process he took is really helpful to understanding what he is talking about. Previous blogs we’ve read only show the coding and I didn’t understand it as well.
One new thing I learned from this post is the text-shadow property, which creates an inset text effect. It doesn’t work in less sophisticated browsers, like Internet Explorer. It was interesting how almost every step he brought up which browsers it would work in, and which ones it wouldn’t. Usually it was IE, especially IE6 & IE7. My favorite line was: “IE6 however, throws its usual panic attack at the CSS code and struggles to interpret it correctly.”
He had to go back and tidy up the code for IE6. I never would have thought of that for my website, but the good thing is I don’t need to worry about it as much as this guy, since he’s creating a WordPress theme. I like his design, the grey background with the vibrant colors on the top. It’s very sleek and classy.
Overall, it was a good blog post to read. It’s just so difficult for me to read something like that and completely understand it when I’m not doing the same thing the writer is doing at the same time.