CSS Floats

Floating. Sounds whimsical and fun, doesn’t it?

Well, it’s not.  In the web publishing world it’s given me a headache, and multiple fist clenches as a result of pure frustration.

No, don’t float that much. No, don’t bump that down. No, that’s not the alignment I envisioned!!

That’s a small insight into my irritations as an amateur coder. First world problems, am I right? Still, it’s challenging. But, like most of us, I’m still learning. I’m happy to say things got a little bit brighter…

After reading CSS Floats 101, I began to better understand the purpose of floating, how basic it can really be, but also how intricate one can go.

Being thrust into the world of coding was a bit overwhelming at first, as you can tell by my vent session above. But, after cozying up with its history and studying about its functions and capabilities, I began to better understand it. It’s like meeting someone for the first time and judging that person based on one interaction, then realizing what an asshole you’ve been because under that tattoo sleeved arm and dark makeup, there is a  beautiful soul.

Too much? Maybe.


-Bia Jurema

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