Floating 101

As someone who is currently struggling to cohesively work HTML and CSS together I found this piece to helpful. The first thing that comes to my attention is how a full article can be written about a simple command in HTML and CSS. It shows not only the complexity of coding, but how much a command can be manipulated to perform a certain stask.

Because I have just started coding, everything seems very cut and dry to me; I am unaware that there are possibilities besides the basics of commands like float.  As a result of using float in my coding, I found this post to be helpful, but tedious to read. Since the class is exploring commands beyond float, I think a post offering a brief reading of some of the more-used commands would have been helpful with our first project looming ahead.

With that being said, this article certainly was not uninformative by any stretch of the imagination. The examples provided were extremely important. As a visual learner, I would have had a hard time understanding the information Noah Stokes was trying to get across without codes written out as well as the subsequent photos.

While I found the first half of the post easy to follow, the second half seemed to be a couple of steps ahead of where I am now, experience wise. I still remain confused on the use of clear when directions like left, right and inherit are added in and the thought of adding layers was intimidating, to the say the least.

Though CSS Floats 101 was helpful, I know I will not truly be comfortable with CSS and floating until I get more practice under my belt. Overall, I believe all of what is mentioned in CSS Floats 101 will be feasible within the next few weeks.

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