Category Archives: Thoughts on Vietnam

Can Vietnam develop in more ways than one?

One of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to achieve universal primary education, and this past week we learned a couple of the reasons why this (and reaching the other goals) has been so hard in Vietnam. The class was lucky enough to meet with the esteemed researcher Christophe Robert, (more…)

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Pride Over Wealth

I talked about this a little bit already during our last group discussion, but I thought I would expand on the idea/topic. We all know that Vietnam is very different than America in many ways. One of the most noticeable ways that the two countries are different is the people’s work (more…)

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Drilling down on the Vietnamese economy: How far can we get?

Let’s begin with some facts. According to the CIA Factbook, the Vietnamese economy can be divided into three sectors: Agriculture, which contributes 19.7% to GDP; Industry, which contributes 38.6% (18% from manufacturing); and Service, which contributes 41.7%. And according to index mundi, state-owned enterprises – which cross the three sectors mentioned (more…)

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Two Tigers in the Same Cage: tradition vs. change in Culture

Traveling to both Hanoi and Halong Bay, I was able to observe both polarizing ends of the spectrum regarding life and culture in Vietnam. On one hand, there was life in the city of Hanoi. Teaming with energy and life, I was able to see the Vietmese people who were living (more…)

Also posted in Hanoi, Vietnam | 13 Comments