$230…$100…$180…$100…Okay Okay

Yesterday a group of us went to the market here in Ho Chi Min City and let me tell you it was probably one of the most overwhelming experiences of the trip! In side the market there are people and things everywhere ranging from clothes to shoes to luggage to coffee to fish to flowers to fabric and so much more! Everyone was grabbing us left and right and dragging us to their booths. We were all determined to get all of the last minute gifts for our family and friends before we returned home so we were not leaving until we had accomplished just that.

We all knew that because were are obviously American the prices would be jacked up significantly and we would have to bargin. Kat and I were a little hesitant to bargin though. I feel so bad bargaining even though I know we are getting ripped off if we don’t. I have had to bargin before in other countries and I feel so awkward and so mean bargaining. Thankfully though we were with 3 expert bargainers who got us everything at at least half of the original asking price! So Kat and I ended up just standing back and letting the boys bargin away for us. Every time though we ended up walking away because they weren’t agreeing with our price and every time I started panicking because I really wanted/needed that gift but every time we walked alway they always called us back and agreed to our price!

It truly was crazy how they rack up the prices so high but yet we can buy the item for so low after bargaining for quite some time! In the end Kat and I decided that there should be a tv show called Bargining Wars or something like that where people just bargin away and see who can get the best deals. We found ourselves enjoying the market a lot with the help of the boys and by the time we had left we accomplished everything on our list!

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  1. By Kickass on April 10, 2020 at 9:05 pm


    $230…$100…$180…$100…Okay Okay

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