I’ve finally gotten around to reading all the comments that Canadian Atheists generously typed in while filling out Tom Arcaro’s Serving Atheists survey.
The answers to the question – what can leaders of atheist organizations do to better serve non-believers? – can be summarized as follows:
- Make the movement more visible to everyone (believers and non-believers);
- Provide the public with positive portrayals of atheists and non-believers;
- Get political – play an advocacy role to defend the separation of church and state, and defend the rights of non-believers;
- Welcome everyone – don’t get hung up on labels, make space for families, strive for inclusion;
- Provide educational, awareness-raising and social events.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing respondents’ detailed comments about each one of these recommendations. There’s so much for us to learn! What would you have Canadian organizations do to support non-believers? Leave a comment – let’s get this discussion started.