Christina Strader’s Biographical Service Statement

How might I contribute and build upon the legacy so many Elon students before me have left behind in South Africa either through one of our established programs, or through my own initiative?

This is a loaded question. I have not yet thought about the depths of my service, perhaps due to the excitement of traveling out of the country for the first time. The classes that precede me have set a standard of exemplary service. Each year they set a goal, and exceed it. I hope that the Class of 2010 can once again exceed what is expected of us. I hope to use my trip to South Africa to not only give, but take. As my first international trip, South African culture has the capability to shape my view of the “outside world”. I hope that my service experience allows me the opportunity to interact beyond the shallow surface. I desire relationships, rather than acquaintances. By interacting with the children in the South African cities of Cape Town and Johannesburg, we will all receive a lesson in cultural diversity, and more importantly, cultural similarities.

As the Events Director in the EV! office, I have become very distant from service. My job is to develop student leaders, rather than develop and implement the programs which directly benefit the populations we are targeting with each event. With the time I have to dedicate to directing, I often loose touch with the reason I joined the office: to serve. It is a blessing to have a class where service is emphasized as strong as any other component of the course.

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