The School Function Assessment: Identifying Levels of Participation and Demonstrating Progress for Pupils with Acquired Brain Injuries in a Residential Rehabilitation Setting

Posted on: March 7, 2018 | By: smanning3 | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

The following shows the prices of the School Function Assessment (SFA) kits and components, which (like stated above) have not changed since 2017: SFA Complete Kit: $243.50 SFA User’s Manual: $151.50 SFA Record Forms: $102.50 SFA Rating Scale Guides: $25.00   Website:   Article Summary: Article Title: The School Function Assessment: Identifying Levels of Participation and Demonstrating Progress for Pupils with Acquired Brain Injuries in a Residential Rehabilitation Setting   Citation: West S, Dunford C, Mayston MJ, Forsyth R. The School Function Assessment: identifying levels of participation and demonstrating progress for pupils with acquired brain injuries in a residential rehabilitation setting. Child: Care, Health and Development. 2013;40(5):689-697. doi:10.1111/cch.12089.   Category: Evaluative   Purpose of the Article: Rehabilitation and educational planning for children who have acquired a severe brain injury (ABI) is very complex and multifaceted. There are many medical professionals working with these children initially; however, once discharged these children…

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School Function Assessment (SFA)

Posted on: March 5, 2018 | By: lmartin20 | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

School Function Assessment (SFA): Evaluative These are the prices of the SFC kits and components as of 2018. These prices have not updated since 2017: SFA Complete Kit: $243 SFA User’s Manual: $151.50 SFA Record Forms: $102.50 SFA Rating Scale Guidelines: $25 Website: Reference: Li, X., Dong, V. A., & Fong, K. N. (2015). Reliability and Validity of School Function Assessment for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Guangzhou, China. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy,26, 43-50. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2015.12.001 Title: Reliability and Validity of School Function Assessment for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Guangzhou, China. Background and Purpose: According to this article, the School Function Assessment (SFA) is a comprehensive design that measures the typical social and academic functional task performance of an elementary school-aged child. The three associated parts of this assessment are as follows: activity performance, participation, and task support. Students with disabilities typically score much lower on this assessment…

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School Functional Assessment (SFA) 2017

Posted on: February 28, 2018 | By: lmartin20 | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

These are the prices of the SFC kits and components as of 2018. These prices have not updated since 2017: SFA Complete Kit: $243 SFA User’s Manual: $151.50 SFA Record Forms: $102.50 SFA Rating Scale Guidelines: $25 Website: Reference: Effgen, S. K., Mccoy, S. W., Chiarello, L. A., Jeffries, L. M., Starnes, C., & Bush, H. M. (2016). Outcomes for Students Receiving School-Based Physical Therapy as Measured by the School Function Assessment. Pediatric Physical Therapy,28(4), 371-378. doi:10.1097/pep.0000000000000279 Title: Outcomes for Students Receiving School-Based Physical Therapy as Measured by the School Function Assessment Category: Evaluative Purpose: This article describes the SFA as a standardized assessment established to examine the participation and functional performance in school aged children from kindergarten to 6th grade, who have disabilities. It is a judgement-based assessment, measuring change over a period of time and identifying the individuals’ functional limitations. Therefore, this assessment is considered both evaluative and discriminative….

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School Function Assessment (SFA) Update and Article Review

Posted on: March 5, 2017 | By: amckee3 | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

Updates to the School Function Assessment Price UPDATE: the price of this tool has gone up according to Complete kit is 243.50 SFA User’s Manual: 151.50 SFA Record forms: 102.50 SFA Rating scale guidelines: 25 Purpose: As stated in the previous blogs, this assessment tool evaluates Participation, Task Supports, and Activity Performance in school aged children to identify their strengths and needs. This is a collaborative plan that can be used to help students with disabilities ( Article Summary Rabinovich RV, Patel NV, Gates PE, Otsuka NY. The Relationship between the School Function Assessment (SFA) and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) in Ambulatory Patients with Cerebral Palsy. Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013). 2015;73(3):204-9. This article focused on the relationship between the School Function Assessment (SFA) and it’s correlation to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) in order to determine if the SFA was an accurate representation…

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School Function Assessment (SFA)

Posted on: February 25, 2017 | By: hmchugh | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

Updates: Costs SFA complete kit $243.50 SFA user manual $151.50 SFA record forms $102.50 SFA rating scale guides $25.00 Purpose The SFA helps students in elementary schools succeed by identifying their strengths and needs in important nonacademic functional tasks. It can also be used to develop an IEP, facilitating collaborative planning, documenting progress and effects of intervention, collecting administrative data to meet federal and state regulations MCID: not established References: Article Summary: Outcomes for Students Receiving School-Based Physical Therapy as Measured by the School Function Assessment [Internet]. PubMed Journals. Available from: The purpose of this article was to describe School Function Assessment (SFA) outcomes in students, after receiving 6 months of school based physical therapy, and the effects of age and gross motor function on outcomes. It took place in 28 states, and was conducted by 109 physical therapists on 296 students with disabilities, aged 5-12. The…

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School Function Assessment (SFA)

Posted on: March 14, 2015 | By: jnowak | Filed under: School Function Assessment (SFA)

1. Title: School Function Assessment (SFA) 2. Publication: 1998 3. Authors: Wendy Coster, Theresa Deeney, Jane Haltiwanger, Stephen Haley 4. Publisher: Psychological Corporation 5. Costs: (from SFA Complete Kit $230.64 SFA User’s Manual $143.50 SFA Rating Scale Guide $23.60 6. Purpose: Measure of a student’s performance of functional (nonacademci) tasks that affect academic and social aspects of school environment in order to create an individualized plan (i.e. gripping a pencil, maneuvering a wheelchair in a classroom, playground activities etc.). Initial assessment of needs and evaluate outcomes of provided services. 7. Type of test: Judgement-based questionnaire completed by one or more professionals who know the child well and have spent substantial time observing them in the school setting. 8. Target population: Kindergarten through 6th grade. 9. Time Requirements: Approximately 90-120 minutes (Sakzewki et al) As little as 5-10 minutes for individual scales (Pearson) 10. Administration: Individuals who work with the…

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