The Value(s) of the Liberal Arts | Panel Discussion

September 26, 2013 1:43 pm
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Phi Beta Kappa at Elon University sponsored a panel presentation regarding different visions of the liberal arts. Elon prides itself as holding the arts and sciences as central to its educational mission; yet both domestically and abroad, the liberal arts have been criticized for being irrelevant, elitist, and impractical. Such critiques raise crucial questions: what makes the liberal arts valuable? And what are the values that underlie the liberal arts?

This panel included two esteemed scholars who will approached these questions from strikingly different perspectives. Dr. Elizabeth Minnich is the Senior Scholar, Association of American Colleges & Universities: Office of Diversity, Equity, and Global Initiatives. Dr. Mary Gowan is the dean of the College of Business at James Madison University and former dean of the Love School of Business at Elon University.
