
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


Multiple Positions, Democracy North Carolina

Permanent full time positions

To apply for the permanent, full time positions listed below, send the following info to Jenn Frye, Associate Director at  1) cover letter with an overview of why you want the job and some personal and professional background, 2) your resume and 3) the names and contact information for three references who can speak to your experience, skills and attributes.

Campaign Director – The primary strategist for Democracy NC’s organizing, coalition building and movement building work, the Campaign Director develops nonpartisan issue and voter engagement campaigns that have winnable, measurable goals, give people a sense of their own power, build Democracy NC’s base of advocates and advance the organization’s overall organizing, leadership development and advocacy goals. Salary range: $50,000-$65,000. Read full description.


Field Director – Organizing team leader, supervisor, coach and thought-partner. Works closely with the Campaign Director to align overall organizing strategies and campaigns with tactics and actions that build and engage Democracy NC’s base and generate opportunities for sustained volunteer leadership development. Salary Range: $45,000-$60,000. Read full description.


Western Piedmont Field Organizer – Builds a base of dedicated grassroots volunteers in the greater Metrolina area who take action and lead campaigns to (1) increase the civic participation and leadership of underrepresented voters and (2) advance a range of voting rights and governmental reforms that increase access to the ballot, improve government accountability, and reduce the influence of big money in politics. Salary range: $36,000-$50,000. Read full description.


Northeast Field Organizer – Covers the region generally from Nash-Wilson-Greene-Pitt-Craven counties and northward. Builds a base of dedicated grassroots volunteers who take action and lead campaigns to (1) increase the civic participation and leadership of underrepresented voters and (2) advance a range of voting rights and governmental reforms that increase access to the ballot, improve government accountability, and reduce the influence of big money in politics. Salary range: $36,000-$50,000. Read full description.


Training Manager – Develops, collects, organizes and implements workshops and trainings that provide public education on Democracy NC’s core issues, strategic and tactical organizing skills and tools, civic education training, and training on NC’s political history, context and how to use the political process to advance social justice goals. Salary range: $36,000-$50,000. Read full description.


Communications Manager – Manages Democracy NC’s internal and external communications, develops and implements communication campaign strategies, works collaboratively with the policy, research and organizing teams to develop research-based messages, coordinate traditional and social media strategies, create educational materials, and craft messages and stories that motivate people to action. Salary range: $36,000-$50,000. Read full description.


Temporary full time positions

Vote Protector Coordinator – Manages Democracy North Carolina’s Vote Protector Project for the 2016 Primary, with the possibility of an extension of the role through the 2016 General Election. Works closely with the Executive Director, organizing and training staff, coalition partners, and volunteers to develop and implement a robust poll monitoring program across North Carolina and manages Democracy NC’s Election Protection hotline. To apply, email cover letter, resume and list of three references to Isela Gutiérrez, Associate Research Director at Salary range: $14,500-$18,750 for 5 months. Read full description.

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